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The Easy Bake Oven

The Easy Bake Oven

I was just reading a blog about the recent change of the Easy Bake Oven

Here is a statement from Hasbro as quoted by the Chicago Tribune: 

"We are aware that the 100-watt incandescent light bulb will no longer be available beginning in 2012. In fall 2011, Hasbro will launch the Easy-Bake Ultimate Oven, introducing a new way to bake for the next generation of chefs. This new oven features a heating element that does not use a light bulb and offers an extensive assortment of mixes reflective of the hottest baking trends for today." (Chicago Tribune, February 24, 2011)

This is the toy that first got me baking even before I started helping my dad to bake!  What will they do without the lightbulb?  I am very curious to see.  Though, I actually wouldn't be surprised if they did try making one that used solar power.  That would be something for our future bakers of the world.  Looking at the history of the Easy Bake Oven models, I had the one made in the late 70's, the early 80' with the dual temperature from low to high that looked like a microwave.

Where it all do you work this thing?

Where it all do you work this thing?

A friend of mine and I had determined that our parents had preset our destinies in our careers long before we even thought of what we'd be when we grew up.  Today, my friend is a surgeon and of course, his toy or game was Operation that he played with his siblings, whom all today are doctors.  My other friend got a mini video camera when he was a kid and now is on his way to being a successful filmmaker.  Oh, parents...what a way to pave influences on your children.  What games or toys should I give my kids in the future? 

I am very happy to say that today I am a chef of sorts, cooking, and baking and I owe it all to my one Christmas gift I received when I was four years old.  The Easy Bake Oven.